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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn










Why do we teach Geography at St Clare's School?


At St Clare’s Catholic Primary, we want our children to receive a high-quality geography education so that all pupils are confident in the fundamentals of geography, and have the ability to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in a range of meaningful contexts.


We also want pupils to have an appreciation of geography and aim to develop a sense of fun and curiosity about their surroundings, both near and far. We want the children to see geography as being relevant to their world and applicable to everyday life, as well as being something that they learn through school and ultimately can take into the world of employment and beyond.


We deliver a curriculum through Cornerstones that is progressive throughout the whole school and ensures a breadth and balanced approach. We aim to immerse pupils into geography by using a variety of classroom based, research, practical and cross-curricular learning opportunities. This enables our children to revisit, learn and apply new skills to help complete a range of tasks.


We encourage children to learn through experiences at St Clare’s, and will use our local environment as a rich learning resource to support their understanding of their local area and its place within the wider world.




Mission Statement

With Jesus, we learn to love and love to learn

Our Vision

To give every child a sense of belonging, so that they have a safe and stable base from which to develop and learn.

To enable every child to grow academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally in the knowledge that they are loved by God and can feel safe and valued within our school community.

To nurture and support children through their primary school journey so that they are confident and well equipped  to progress into the wider world as strong, independent learners and thoughtful, caring individuals.

Our Values








Our Intent

At St Clare’s Catholic Primary school, our aim is to deliver high quality teaching in geography that offers our children the foundations for a greater understanding and knowledge of the world around them, as well as their place in it. We want to inspire in children a curiosity about the world and to promote the children’s interests and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. In term, as children progress through the school, we hope they can draw on previous learning, not only from geography lessons but other related subjects and combine that with new skills to develop a deeper understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. In line with our school values, we aim for all children to develop a caring attitude towards the environment and multicultural world that we live in today.


  • Deliver a curriculum through Cornerstones that is progressive throughout the whole school, focusing on the knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum
  • Promote cross-curricula links to allow children the chance to use and develop their new skills
  • Introduce children to a range of vocabulary linked to their topic in each lesson to help develop their understanding of it, use it effectively in their work and revisit on a regular basis
  • Use a range of resources, outdoor spaces and technology to support learning
  • Provide children with the opportunity to explore their local environment and beyond. This could be educational visits/visitors to help engage, enrich and enhance a pupil’s learning experience within the Geography Curriculum
  • Ensure a teaching environment that is conductive to learning, whereby each child is valued, respected and challenged



  • Geography is a subject that is engaging for children in which they foster a love of Geography as a subject and an appreciation of the world around them
  • Children make good progress in their acquisition of skills and knowledge
  • Have an extensive range of geographical vocabulary
  • Children access a range of different learning opportunities, both in and out of the classroom
  • To be able to express well-balanced opinions, using knowledge and understanding about current issues in the environment





