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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn





Why do we teach computing at St Clare's?


The use of information and communication technology is an integral part of the national curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, iPads, programmable toys and digital cameras are a few of the tools that can be used to acquire, organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. At St. Clare’s Primary School, we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use ICT effectively.

At St Clare's we aim to:

  • Provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable Computing curriculum for all pupils.
  • Meet the requirements of the national curriculum programmes of study for computing.
  • Use computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.
  • Respond to new developments in technology.
  • Equip pupils with the confidence and capability to use computing throughout their later life.
  • Enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum using computing.
  • Develop the understanding of how to use computing equipment safely and responsibly.




Mission Statement

With Jesus, we learn to love and love to learn

Our Vision

To give every child a sense of belonging, so that they have a safe and stable base from which to develop and learn.

To enable every child to grow academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally in the knowledge that they are loved by God and can feel safe and valued within our school community.

To nurture and support children through their primary school journey so that they are confident and well equipped  to progress into the wider world as strong, independent learners and thoughtful, caring individuals.

Our Values







Our Intent

At St Clare’s, we aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing world through the use of a modern, relevant Computing curriculum that is designed to help them solve problems confidently, learn from their mistakes, develop resilience and in line with one of the school’s underpinning principles, collaborate with each other to empathetically achieve a shared goal (compassion). Computing is inclusive to all children.

Our curriculum is based on the scheme of work from Teach Computing. This is a computing curriculum that is easy to follow and will equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to use technology safely, inquisitively and creatively. Computing isn’t a subject just about memorising facts and vocabulary words, it's about solving complex problems, being supportive of each other and learning from mistakes. We want children to become independent and to work happily with technology whilst developing 21st-century skills. The scheme has been mapped to St Clare’s curriculum by the teachers who teach Computing to the children and whose wider view of the other topics being taught has allowed them to choose and adapt the most appropriate elements of the scheme to their pupils’ learning.


Computing skills are taught both discreetly and cross-curricular, supporting other areas of learning across the school. The scheme is taught across Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. In EYFS, the children are exposed to computing skills and knowledge through activities relating to e-safety and digital media. In the Nursery, close collaboration between the Computing Subject Lead, Head Teacher, EYFS Lead and the Nursery Manager has led to engaging, well-planned tasks for the nursery children to undertake in small groups. These tasks have been designed to prepare the children for the scheme of work that is being delivered in Key Stage 1.

Each Year group includes a unit called ‘E-safety’ which is based around the objectives of the United Kingdom Council for Internet Safety ‘Education for a Connected World Framework’ which is a framework designed to equip children for a digital life.

The rest of the units are designed as a series of hour long lessons which when viewed altogether are designed to be seen as a story with a beginning, middle and end. Each of the units are supported by high quality resources which the teachers are free to use as they see fit.



  • Computing has a high profile at our school.
  • Our children use a range of hardware and software with confidence.
  • Our children are aware of their online presence and the importance of being honest and keeping their personal details safe
  • They act appropriately and respectfully when online.
  • They report anything they see online that makes them uncomfortable to their teachers – ‘funny tummy’.
  • They are respectful of each other’s work on shared devices.


Whole School Progression Document
