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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn


Welcome to Kingfisher Class


We are a class of 31 year 1 and 2 pupils. Our teacher is Miss Coleman. We are supported by Mrs Gilchrist and Mrs Hardin. Miss Beck and Miss Hillsley also works in our class. On Thursdays and Fridays, Mrs Page will also be teaching groups alongside the class teacher. 

During the summer term, our topic will be ‘School Days' 


Our phonics scheme is called ‘My Letters and Sounds’. This term we will be re-capping our Phase 3 and Phase 5 sounds in preparation for the phonics screening. The children will bring home a phonics book to practice their sounds at home. This book should be brought to school every day in their school book bag.  Please encourage your child to read every day. Little and often is best. 


For those children who are confident and fluent with their phonics, they will be tested using our Salford Reading Assessment - these children will bring home colour-banded books. These will be changed once the book has been completed as these are slightly longer texts.


Please make sure that children have their own water bottles that they can bring to school daily. Please make sure that the bottle is named. Please label all clothes clearly with the children's names. 


Class Dojo is our main point of contact. We will update this platform regularly. If you ever have any non-urgent questions or queries, please send a message through this platform and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Any urgent messages should be reported through the school office. Thank you for your support. 

We are looking forward to a fun term! 

Key Stage One Curriculum Overview - Autumn 2023
