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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn


KIRF stands for Key Instant Recall Facts.

Here at St Clare's we prioratise children being fluent mathematicians, therefore we have identified the key areas for fluency in number that children really need to know in order for them to be confident mathematicians. 

Each term your child will bring home a KIRF sheet showing you what facts your child is focusing on in school. Please practise these with them as much as you can!

We will aim to update you with your child's progress in the KIRF once we have concluded our end of term assessment. Hopefully, with your support, we will see your child make progress!

Each KIRF sheet has some handy tips for parents. Please find below the KIRF long term plan so you can see what KIRF your child is focusing on right now, and what is coming up.  



Autumn KIRF
