Our School Day
Our School Day
All staff are in class from 08.40 enabling pupils to engage in early morning activities. This eases the children gradually
into the school routine.
Registration is from 8.40am to 8:55am, followed by
our morning prayer.
Morning playtimes
At 10.10am until 10.30am children from KS1 have their playtime. KS2 have their playtime from 11.00am – 11.20am.
Children have a choice of activities during playtime.
Reception children participate in flexible free flow activities where they can spend time outdoors.
Before lunchtime, all children sing our Lunchtime Grace.
Children in Reception have their lunch at 11:50 pm, KS1 12.00 pm and their break ends at 1:00 pm. KS2 children start their lunch at 12:20 pm and finish at 1.20 pm.
Getting to school
To get to and from school, walking is the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely.
School currently finishes at 3.05 pm for EYFS children and 3.10 pm for children in Key Stage One. Children in Key Stage 2 finish at 3.15 pm. Children say a prayer together and then are collected by their parents.
These times include time spent on Religious Education, but exclude the statutory daily act of worship, registration, breaks and lunch breaks.
To ensure that play times and dinner times are enjoyable for all, the following Code of Behaviour is in place. This code is used by all staff, teaching and non-teaching, and applies to play and dinner times.
"Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Be kind and respectful to everyone"
To help and encourage the children to follow this Code the following arrangements have been made:
Zoning of the playground to allow for different games to take place safely.
Tables and seating for those children who wish to use them.
We are very fortunate at St. Clare's to have a wonderful team of Mid-day Assistants. They are responsible for the care and safety of your children at lunchtime. They are under direct responsibility of the Senior Mid-day Assistant and Headteacher.
The School meets for collective worship on a Monday morning. On other days collective worship takes place within the classroom. On Thursday both key stages take part in Bible Stories Assembly.