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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn


UKS2 Topic Overview Spring 2025

Welcome to Falcon Class


We are a class of 23 hardworking superstars!


Staffing in our class:

Class Teacher: Mrs Konikowska


Mrs Cawley 

Mrs Goodchild (am)

Miss Warrick (am)

Mrs Clawson-Roberts (pm)


During PPA (Tuesday afternoon) we will also be taught Music by Mrs Wallington. 

During the Autumn Term, our topic will be Britain at War.

See our topic map above that outlines everything we will be learning about during our Autumn Term. 


Please make sure all uniform is labelled as we no longer have a lost property. If property is labelled it will be returned to your child asap. Children must also bring a named water bottle with them to school. smiley



Homework is sent home on Fridays and is due in on the following Friday. Please ensure children return their homework on the designated day.  



This term, PE is on Wednesday.  Please ensure earrings are removed. Children should also not be wearing any form of jewellery as this is part of our school uniform policy. 


Class Dojo

Class Dojo is our main point of contact. We will update this platform regularly. If you ever have any non-urgent questions or queries, please send a message through this platform and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Any urgent messages should be reported through the school office. Thank you for your support. 



Useful Websites:
