Curriculum Summary
At St Clare’s, we believe that all children can be successful learners. Our Mission Statement is ‘With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn’ .
At St Clare’s, we pride ourselves on offering an ambitious curriculum which develops children’s curiosity and understanding using a full range of different topics. The foundation of our curriculum is based on the Cornerstones platform, our core values and our Catholic ethos. This provides a creative curriculum which is rich, broad, and balanced. It has a project-based, thematic approach and provides children with a range of memorable learning experiences which meets the requirements of the national curriculum.
We aim to develop our pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding by encouraging them to make links with their learning in a range of different contexts, with experts from the local community that enhance the learning, making it relevant. We place great emphasis upon educating the 'whole child', and ensuring that each individual achieves success in a broad range of learning areas and pupils are encouraged to pursue their interests .
We actively seek opportunities beyond the classroom, so that our children have a wealth of learning experiences. These include a variety of sporting activities led by highly qualified teachers and coaches. We offer small group cookery lessons to develop real life skills and an awareness of food and nutrition. Additionally, bespoke music lessons are led by a specialist music teacher and can lead to nationally recognised musical awards. We are excited to be working in partnership with The Royal Opera House in developing Drama, Dance and Creative projects and have Cultural Champions who will specialise and lead in these areas. We also offer class trips and invite experts from different professions to the school so that learning can be brought to life.
Great care is taken to make the whole curriculum accessible to every learner. Our curriculum is intended to be progressive, building on prior learning and to actively encourage children to have purposeful, memorable experiences that inspire a future career. We advocate that teachers use a variety of teaching strategies to develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills through engaging activities which are set in a meaningful context.
We believe that for children to thrive in an ever-changing world, they need to have self-confidence and belief in their own knowledge and skills beyond the school setting.
We take great pride in ensuring our pupils are equipped and ready to face the challenges ahead of them as polite, tolerant, caring and respectful citizens in the wider community. Alongside the class based lessons, each of our assemblies are thoughtfully planned to celebrate our gospel values. The St Clare’s six core values are promoted with a half termly focus and embedded throughout our whole school ethos. We celebrate pupils’ achievements in our values each half term with our ‘Core Value Champions’ awards.