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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn


Why do we teach Religious Education at St Clare’s?

St Clare’s is a Catholic school, and Religious Education in our school encourages children to foster a deep encounter with Jesus Christ. We aim to assist parents in religious formation of their children and contribute positively to society by ensuring that the children are showing understanding, respect, honesty, compassion, love and care for everyone, no matter who they are. We aim for the children to be able to reflect on their choices and the choices of others and act showing the commitment to Gospel values. Religious Education is central to the school's mission, providing our children with an opportunity to explore and understand their faith, love of God and Christian worldview.

Catholic faith is in the centre of everything we do and it helps to bind together the entire curriculum, offering students a framework to understand the purpose of their education within a Catholic perspective.  

Mission Statement

With Jesus, we learn to love and love to learn

Our Vision

To give every child a sense of belonging, so that they have a safe and stable base from which to develop and learn.

To enable every child to grow academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally in the knowledge that they are loved by God and can feel safe and valued within our school community.

To nurture and support children through their primary school journey so that they are confident and well equipped  to progress into the wider world as strong, independent learners and thoughtful, caring individuals.

Our Values







Religious Education

Our Intent

In a Catholic school, Religious Education serves to foster a deep encounter with Jesus Christ while respecting students' individual religious identities. It aims to assist parents in religious formation and contribute positively to society by promoting understanding and respect for different faiths, thereby fostering social cohesion. Religious education is central to the school's mission, providing a space for students to explore and understand their faith, love of God, and Christian worldview. It binds together the entire curriculum, offering students a framework to understand the unity and purpose of their education within a Catholic perspective, thereby serving as the foundation of the educational process.


We implement it:

  • Through the daily class and whole school prayers.
  • Through daily reflections.
  • Through whole school and key stage Masses.
  • Through Religious Education lessons.
  • Through Collective Worship.
  • Through Catholic Social Teaching lessons
  • Through celebrating events from the global calendar e.g. Refugees week, Family Fast Day etc
  • Through supporting less fortunate and fundraising


The outcome of excellent religious education is religiously literate and consciously engaged

young people who have the knowledge, understanding, and skills – appropriate to their age

and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who recognise the

demands of religious commitment in everyday life.


